Have you seen the new additions to the Lark Street neighborhood? In November thirteen BigBelly Solar Compactors and Recycling units were installed throughout the area. An Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant from the United States Department of Energy provided funding for 93
BigBelly Solar litter baskets and 20 recycling units to be installed throughout Albany. Out of these 93 units, 13 BigBelly Solar Compactors and Recycling units were placed in the Lark Street Business Improvement District.

These new additions to the neighborhood are from BigBelly Solar, which markets and sells the world's first trash compactor powered by solar power. In addition to each trash compactor being solar powered, they also have a computer chip installed in them which includes network management software. This allows the compactors to send a message when they are full alerting that a pick up is needed.
The compactors will promote dramatic cost savings, reduce overflowing, prevent illegal trash littering, decrease the number of collection trips, and cut related fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions by 80%. In addition, the technological compactors will lower public health concerns by providing a cleaner environment, leaving the Lark Street area looking great!